The first thing I thought of when I saw the theme of the Weekly Photo Challenge was “Serenity Now!”…..just another one of the classic lines from the old ‘Seinfeld’ show.  Can you tell I’m a huge fan?  lol  Here’s the dialogue between George & his father, Frank:    F – “Serenity now!  Serenity now!”  G – “What is that?”  F – “The doctor gave me a relaxation cassette. When my blood pressure gets too high, the man on the tape tells me to say ‘serenity  now!'”  G – “Are you supposed to yell it?”  F – “The man on the tape wasn’t specific.”  LMBO  Kind of like The Honeymooners episode when Ralph was told by his doctor to say “Pins and needles, needles and pins, a happy man is a man that grins” when he found himself getting angry!  Another of my favorites by the way.  🙂

Anyway, here’s my photographic interpretation of  “Serenity.”



“Weekly Photo Challenge: MASTERPIECE”

This abandoned masterpiece of architecture is Hinchliffe Stadium located in Paterson, NJ.  It was built in 1932 by John Shaw, who designed the blended Spanish Colonial Revival and Art Deco/Moderne styled stadium based on a 1931 plan by the Olmsted Brothers Landscape Engineering Firm whose founder Frederick Law Olmsted designed, among many other things, Central Park in NYC.  The period of significance for this recently named National Historic Landmark is 1932-1944, covering the years when Hinchliffe Stadium served as a venue for segregated Negro professional baseball, most notably the New York Black Yankees and including Satchel Paige and Larry Doby.  If you’d like to find out more information about this magnificent structure on which restoration work will soon begin, you can view a fascinating PBS Documentary about Hinchliffe HERE.